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Kudriavtseva Elena Igorevna

Managerial competence of the personnel: Functions VS Institutions

The book is written in Russian
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Bibliographic reference:
Кудрявцева Е.И. Управленческий потенциал персонала: функции против институций. Монография
/ Е.И. Кудрявцева - СПб: Социально-гуманитарное знание, 2015. - С. 196

The book is devoted to socio-economic analysis of the contemporary managerial activity.
Modern forms of management activities are described; its specifics in comparison with classic forms of leadership in management are analyzed.
The managerial competency is considered as a characteristic of the staff, not just the managers with the appropriate authority.
The staff of organization is considered as a specific labor actor able to create and support new professional activities in order to institutionalize professional skills to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.
Management activities are considered as a historical form of labor.
The functional and institutional contradiction in the request of the socio-economic system to the actor of management is established.
Managerial capacity is determined as an adaptation resource that allows removing this contradiction.
The connection of mechanisms of implementing the management capacity of the personnel and changes in intellectual and social capital of the organization is defined.
The scientific novelty of this work is:
- to provide an integrative concept of the management capacity of the staff of organizations as an adaptive resource which contributes to overcoming the functional -institutional demand contradictions of the socio-economic system to the actors of the management;
- to disclose the nature of the modern managerial activities;
- to develop a methodology of human resource management to identify, use and develop the management competence in terms of actual trends of employment, organizational and management relationships development, and the general transformation of the essence of managerial and professional work. 

Kew words: 
Managerial work, management activity, management functions, management institutes,
management capacity of personnel, intellectual capital, social capital, quality of working life 

© Социально-гуманитарное знание, 2015
© Кудрявцева Е.И., 2015